Lawn Renovation - 30/09

Lawn Renovation time. Springs here and Early October is the time to begin any sort of Lawn renovation to maximise healthy spring and summer lawns.
I began with hitting this front yard with a granular wetter and fertiliser 2 weeks before the planned cut. A few days later I followed up with a selective broad leaf herbicide to eliminate the small number of weeds growing.
About a week out the lawn was hit with an application of seasol and a dose of a pre emergent herbicide.

The day before the first cut I hit the lawn with an edge trim to reclaim the border where the grass meets the concrete.

The lawn is a sir walter buffalo however its quite heavily invaded by tiftuf which I imagine will eventually take over.
The below Images are of how the lawn was the day before its cut. It is incredibly healthy in parts and that is maintained by yearly lawn maintenance like this.


Step one of the renovation - 01/10